Ballerinas and quality footwear for women and girls.
Pretty Ballerinas started in 2005 with its website,, quickly becoming the world’s favorite ballerina store for celebrities. Each model is named after an iconic actress or singer reflecting the period when ballerinas became fashionable in the 1960s. Pretty Ballerinas is a young brand, but with a long tradition. The slippers are made by the same family in the same Mediterranean village where they started in 1918.
Webimpacto has had the pleasure of working with Pretty Ballerinas, making improvements to product lists, mobile version filters, and the online store checkout. It has also become a design ally to renew the site and generate a positive perception for the user about the set of factors and elements of the site, such as the buttons on the product sheets, the home header, the top-selling products, the newsletter registration pop up, among others.